Exhibitionism - Erotic stories

Original erotic short stories on a topic Exhibitionism you won't find anywhere else. Read descriptions of incredible real-life experiences or be inspired by the wildest fantasies. New content is added to the category Exhibitionism every day.

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author: Magichands 5 days ago 0 45 0

Hey, darling. I am in a mood for something spicy. You know what? Let´s meet where we first met. In an hour. I will be dressed in a white shirt and deep blue trousers. Bringing you a flower. And a bag with some presents. You... wear those above knees stockings. Some lovely shoes. And a light cloak. And below.... what you like most. Nothing. What is in that bag you ask? That is for a little…

V kabinke

author: pritt693 4 months ago 1 490 4

Tento príbeh sa stal ešte, keď som študoval na vysokej škole. Ako vianočný darček som si želal, aby som mojej vtedajšej priateľke mohol kúpiť čipkované prádlo. Vedel som, že jej urobím radosť a sebe ešte väčšiu. Keďže peňazí nebolo nazvyš, rozhodlol som, že ideme vyberať do oddelenia bielizne vo vtedajšom Tescu. Bolo to cca pol hodinu pred záverečnou. Obaja natešení sme sa začali prehrabávať…