Chiffon party dress (part 2)

Here I am back in my Chiffon part dress. This time I really, really, really need to pee!!! Pressed my legs together, but OMG, it's just got to gush!! So I did it standing up hoping no one would notice, but it soaked through my dress. Oh well. I drank so much water that 20 minutes later I had to go again, so this time I sat down ant pissed up at my bosom. And THEN I needed to go a third time (drank way too much water!!), so lay down on the ground and pissed all over my tits and stomach.. By the end I, and the dress, were soggy wet. Whew. Damn, that felt sooooo good!!!!

3 182 vues 19.9.2017 10:15
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