
25.4.2024 16:59
GuyRitchie GuyRitchie
Homme cherchant une femme
Czech Republic Hlavní město Praha
Âge 18-46
Utilisateurs vérifiés

Hi there.. I would like to meet a young beautiful lady, preferably between 18 and 35 years old for occasional meetings, hanging out, cuddling & other romantic stuff you can think of *18*. I'm not the type with so much demand as I believe no more is perfect. I just want someone who is cool, polite, friendly with a smiling face I can also talk to and share ideas with. Height is not a problem for as I believe I will be taller than you after all *18* I'm 187cm.
Short info about me; I'm African, tall, dark & handsome. Slim athletic body & I'm 30 years old. I've been living in Prague for 2 and half years & I like it here to be honest.
Lastly, I feel it's important that you understand English, you don't have to be a native speaker, just at the level that we would be able to communicate and understand each other.
I look forward to your lovely messages 😻.


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