Why cannot I get into my account?

We need more information to help you best. We will ask you to describe your login problem in more detail. If possible, we would also like to see the screenshot of the notifications that appear when you try to log in.

Some basic steps you can try are to check that you are entering the login credentials correctly, and make sure you enter upper and lowercase letters and numbers in accordance with how you registered them. If you have forgotten the password, you can recover it using the link: https://www.amateri.com/fr/user/password-reset.

If you still cannot access your account after these steps, you can send us a screenshot with a warning that is displayed, and we will try to find a suitable solution.

It may also happen that your account has been canceled due to long-term inactivity. If you have not logged in to your account for more than 6 months, it cannot be renewed.

We believe that together we will find a solution to your problem and you will be able to log in to your account again.