Tylko: Zapisane Online
Polyscias Polyscias
Czech Republic Jihomoravský kraj

Heya, nice to meet you!
I'm writing this in English to weed-out sleezy oldtimers...

So a little bit about why FWB - currently I'm working on some personal projects and a starting business in IT and honestly... I wouldn't be able to give dating, or even a GF enough time. So! In efforts to not leave anyone hanging, I see this as the preferable way.

I'm a 25yo guy with shorter endomorph physique, my hobbies are hiking, bike, gaming, tabletops, technology, but also things like anime, philosophy, gardening, and books.

I never say no to a cup of coffee, glass of wine, or a tea with hookah. These, I would also suggest for first meetup. First though, lets chat a little to know whether we would interest each other, and later who knows ;)

LMK if I caught your eye! I'm based in Brno, but I can visit you in major cities such as Bratislava, Praha, Ostrava, etc. :)

Spank-Pha Spank-Pha
Czech Republic Hlavní město Praha

Rád bych zde našel pohodovou ženu z Prahy, která by ráda dostala na holou. Třeba jako motivaci k sportu, učení atd. Nehledám něco jednorázového, ale spíše dlouhodobý kamarádský vztah, ve kterém budu pomocí výprasku motivovat :) Dáme kávu, příjemně popovídáme a když budou sympatie, tak něco více. Považuji se za gentlemana na úrovni, nehledám nějaké prasárny, ale spíše rafinované hraní na úrovni