Why was my content deleted?

To obtain specific reasons for deleting your content, please tell us your nick (username) so that we can check the situation thoroughly. Our rules and conditions are clearly determined by the General Terms and Conditions, which can be found at: https://www.amateri.com/pl/legal/general-terms-conditions.

If your content has been removed, it may be due to violation of our content rules. These rules are important for maintaining safe and respecting community. You can check them at: https://www.amateri.com/pl/legal/terms-uploading-content-and-behavior.

It may also have been caused by violations of certain specific conditions listed in our GTC. I is crucial to follow the rules for the content you upload on our platform.

If you are convinced that your content has not violated rules and our content uploading rules have been followed, please write to us specific details of what content has been deleted, and we will check the situation in detail.