Sexuelle Hobbies und Interessen

Domina - Sklave
sex in der Öffentlichkeit
hohe Absätze

Persönliche Beschreibung

Ponožky, silonky aj videa s kolegom za FO (kredit) podla želania. Mám nad nim takú moc ze, mu aj ihlu môzem pichnut kdekoľvek.

Mám 18 rokov a začala som pracovať v administratíve. V kancelári sedím so starším 30 ročným kolegom, ktorý ma zaúča. Mávam obuté šľapky a väčšinou mám biele členkové ponožky. Občas som si všimla, že kolega sa mi pozerá na nohy ale nijak som to neriešila. Raz som mala biele ponožky cez ktoré mi presvital môj červený lak na nechtoch. On mi vtedy z ničoho nič povedal, že mám sexi nohy. Ja som si to neuvedomovala, ale vyzula som si šľapku a povedľa stola som mu nechápavo ukázala nohu, že čo je na tom sexi. On očervenel a povedal s úsmevom, aby som mu toto nerobila, pretože nebude vedieť pracovať. Nechápavo som sa ho spýtala prečo a on na to, priznal že má fetiš na nohy. Neriešili sme to, ale neskôr doma som si na internete hľadala, čo to znamená. Bola som prekvapená ale zároveň vzrušená pretože to bolo veľmi milé a hlavne kolega je sympatický dominantný muž a ja som cítila, že s mojimi nohami mám nad ním akúsi moc. Na druhý deň som ho skúsila provokovať a to znovu hlúpou otázkou, čo vidí na mojich nohách a nohu som mu polozila na jeho koleno. On znovu očervenel a povedal že sú malé a veľmi pekne, pričom sa ma opýtal ci chcem masáž. Ja som samozrejme povedala áno a on mi začal masírovať nohu. Bolo to veľmi prijemne. No počuli sme na chodbe kroky a tak sme prestali ale povedal mi, že ak chcem dokončíme to po práci. Tak aj bolo. Po práci sme sa zamkli v kancelárii a pokračovali. Masíroval mi obe chodidla a ja som bola veľmi uvoľnená. V tom mi zobral nohu a začal k nej voňať, ja som sa ho opýtala že čo robí a on že to miluje, mne to bolo trochu trápne, lebo som mala celý deň ponožky ale keď privoňal k mojim nohám, videla som ako si to užíva a ako sa mu v nohaviciach stoporil penis. Vzrušovalo ma to, a keď sa ma opýtal ci, mi môže dať dolu ponožku, povedala som áno a on mi začal nohu bozkávať a potom celu lízať. Ja som takýto pocit nikdy necítila a niečo prijemne sa premenilo na vzrušujúce. So srandy som mu povedala že ešte zabudol vylízať malíček a na to on odvetil že ,,áno prepáč,, a lízal ho. Vtedy som cítila, že nad tým dominantným mužom, ktorý ma zaúča v práci a kde ho musím poslúchať, zrazu mám moc a že musí poslúchať on mňa. Videl že sa mi to páči a v tom sa ma s pokorou spýtal, ci sa môže urobiť. Ja som chvíľu váhala ale bola som aj ja veľmi vzrušená a tak som si povedala, že prečo nie a jemu dala súhlas, že môže. Odopol si opasok, zhrnul rifle a vtedy som zbadala ako sú jeho obtiahnuté trenky cele vlhké. Stiahol si ich a popri tom ako mi voňal a bozkával nohy, tak masturboval. Ja som sa len prizerala. Netrvalo to ani minútu a zrazu som len cítila ako mi jemne zahryzol do chodidla, prestal dýchať. Semeno mu vystreklo skoro až na mňa. Pousmial sa, úctivo poďakoval a vtedy to bol začiatok nášho kolegiálneho vzťahu s výhodami, kedy v práci bol on nado mnou, no ako náhle som ukázala nôžku, role sa otočili a musel poslúchať on mňa.

I am 18 years old and I started working in administration. I am sitting in the office with an older 30-year-old colleague who is teaching me. I'm wearing flip flops and mostly white ankle socks. Sometimes I noticed that my colleague was looking at my legs, but I didn't do anything about it. I once had white socks through which my red nail polish showed through. He then out of the blue told me that I have sexy legs. I didn't realize it, but I took off my flip-flop and next to the table I showed him my leg, wondering what's so sexy about it. He turned red and said with a smile that I shouldn't do this to him because he won't be able to work. I vaguely asked him why, and he admitted that he has a fetish for feet. We didn't solve it, but later at home I looked up what it meant on the Internet. I was surprised but excited at the same time because it was very nice and especially my colleague is a sympathetic dominant man and I felt that I had some kind of power over him with my legs. The next day, I tried to provoke him, again with a stupid question about what he saw on my legs, and I put my leg on his knee.He blushed again and said they were small and very nice, while asking me if I wanted a massage. Of course I said yes and he started massaging my leg. It was very pleasant. Well, we heard footsteps in the corridor, so we stopped, but he told me that if I wanted, we could finish it after work. So it was. After work, we locked ourselves in the office and continued. He massaged both my feet and I was very relaxed. In that he took my foot and started smelling it, I asked him what he was doing and he said he loved it, it was a bit embarrassing for me because I had socks on all day but when he smelled my feet I could see how he was enjoying it and how his penis got stuck in his pants. It turned me on and when he asked me if he could take my sock off, I said yes and he started kissing my foot and then licking it all over. I have never felt such a feeling and something pleasant turned into exciting. I jokingly told him that he had forgotten to lick his little finger, and he replied, "yes, sorry", and licked it. That's when I felt that I suddenly had power over the dominant man who taught me at work and where I had to obey him, and that he had to obey me. He saw that I liked it and humbly asked me if it could be done. I hesitated for a while, but I was also very excited, so I thought why not and gave him permission that he could. He unbuckled his belt, rolled up his jeans, and that's when I noticed how wet his tight shorts were. He pulled them off and while smelling and kissing my feet, he masturbated. I was just watching. It didn't even take a minute and suddenly I just felt him gently bite my foot, he stopped breathing. His seed squirted almost all the way to me. He smiled, thanked me respectfully, and that was the beginning of our collegial relationship with benefits, when he was above me at work, but as soon as I showed my leg, the roles turned and he had to obey me.