
A keresés célja:

Személyes információk

Kor: 54 évek
Zodiákus jele: Nyilas
Szexuális irányultság: heteroszexuális
Családi állapot: egyetlen
A szem színe: zöld
A haj színe: fekete
Magasság: 186 cm
Súly: 86 kg

Személyes leírás

I like mature women. Women who know what they want. Women who have lived enough to know what is and what is not important in life. Women who know how to be women. Women who assert their personality, especially by the way of do not require whatever, imposing only the limits of common sense. Women who do not surrender to the passage of time and know how to seduce, just being themselves. Women who insist on have not age, but just physical ability and personality. I like women whose bodies confess they lived. Some wrinkles show the real expression of their faces. Some streaks show who knew the joy of being mothers. However, the physical makeup and robustness show that these women did not give up being enchanted princesses. Mature women are all this. So I like so much of them!...