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Hello Ladies, I am looking for a friend to meet from time to time in Prague and/or in London for dinner, going to pub or just for a drink. All costs and expenses paid for by me! Has to be physically fit and/or attractive lady, age not a limit as long as there is chemistry
Love xxx (I would love to look like the guy in the picture BTW thats not me, he he he!!!)


Lesbian man is not gay. he just has the same mindset as a lesbian woman. he is attracted to women, but he is too nervous to ask them out because subconsciously, he feels like a lesbian, and is too nervous to ask them for company, for fear of rejection. but he is not sure why. he just lacks the confidence to even risk running the chance of disappointment.
Specifically, a "male lesbian" is a heterosexual man who wishes that he had been born a woman, but who (even if he had been a woman) could only make love to another woman and never to a man. Unlike the transsexual, the "male lesbian" does not feel himself to be "a woman trapped inside the body of a man". In some cases men practice sex with women using only there hands, mouths and toys and only penetrating with their genitals when the partner asks for it...
A lesbian man is a man who hates men but likes women.
: I hate guys, they are awful people. Women are so nice. Thats why I like women.