Daytime walk and meeting

31.05.2020 unexpectedly I managed to realize my plan / dream. I went for a walk during the day.
Maybe it wasn't quite a walk, more like a photo session, but I'm so glad that I succeeded.
One thing is certain, if not for the "coronavirus" pandemic, and the possibility (because it is no longer necessary) to cover the face with a mask, I wouldn't absolutely decide for a walk!
And so my confidence and sense of security increased significantly.

07.06.2020 there was a very spontaneous meeting.
I didn't even know it took place on "International Sex Day".
I found out about it today :-).
Nevertheless, the "holiday" has been properly "celebrated" :-).
What you will see in the pictures from this album.
A lot was happening, but not all "actions" were immortalized in the pictures.

4 037 zhlédnutí 8.6.2020 17:08
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