Fetish - Erotic stories

Original erotic short stories on a topic Fetish you won't find anywhere else. Read descriptions of incredible real-life experiences or be inspired by the wildest fantasies. New content is added to the category Fetish every day.

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V sobotu po večírku

author: kviknik 24 hours ago 0 766 9

Byla sobota ráno kolem třetí a já šel z celkem podařeného večírku lehce zmožený alkoholem do práce. Bylo to asi 15min chůze. Jen na vysvětlenou, bydlím pár kilometrů za Prahou a domu už bych se nedostal, takže jsem se domluvil se šéfem, že přespím v práci. Je mi lehce po třicítce a pracuji ve firmě už devátý rok, takže to nebyl větší problém. Dorazil jsem do firmy, udělal nutnou hygienu a…

Latex model for one day

author: Cute_Enchanting 18 days ago 4 200 4

The day had finally arrived. Alexandra, a talented photographer with a keen eye for detail, was about to experience a unique opportunity. She would be spending an entire day as a latex model, immersing herself in the bold and empowering nature of this unique material. Stepping into the studio, she was greeted by a team of experienced professionals, all eager to help her embrace her new role.…

a girl stepping on her hair

author: holkazr 3 months ago 5 404 6

- you are sick same as me - this is not my dream ….its yours * momentum of what I see… what i feel, what i taste what i want… from you * background music : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j7sTHoeH0eA pigeon bathing in a puddle Sharp wind ripping petals off the cherry blossom trees The noise of the train station and the smell of wet…