Nov 23, 2023 · 476 views holkazr


(tribute to Rain aka Raizo Ninja Assasin)

Prologue :
We are stuntmen, dancers, fight scene choreographers. The director has chosen us to make a choreography of fight scene for famous sci-fi saga, where two antagonistic characters fight each other, dark side and light side... man and woman, girl and boy... yin and yang...
We didn't know each other personally until then, just circling around each other time to time and both know the martial art of Kendo and be sure we are very good at it.

- KYO -

The main fight is basically done, tomorrow we'll just finish the last sequence and send it to the studio for approval.
It's evening, we're relaxing on the couch, chilling out, watching some Netflix and having quite a bit of fun... I can't stop looking at your arms, every muscle. The colorful play of light and shadow in the dark room, it's almost magical...you caught my eye, I'm a fucking idiot-idiot-idiot...

I rise from the couch with a question: „Do you want something to drink?"
„I'm fine, thanks..." you shoot me a look.

How else... Don't understand why you follow me into the kitchen, I'm standing by the open fridge and you're right behind me. Spasmodically holding the door and I don't want to move,
I don't want to touch you, I DON'T WANT TO MOVE ! FUCK ! So we're both standing there, I take my juice and motion to indicate I want to the left, you move aside but we touch forearms anyway....aaaah. I'm disappearing, disappearing, almost running.
„Goodnight" I chokedly beep between the doors and flee to my bedroom, cursing myself : „you're a really demented cunt, you really are" ....And that's why I LOVE IT SO MUCH !!! FOR THIS... FOR THIS.
I rip off my clothes in the shower and lean both hands against the black mass of granite...aaah the boiling water burns my back, the steam burns my throat clenched with shame. I've calmed down a little now, and the stream of water is running between my ass cheeks and heating on my pussy...I want to cum so badly, I want you to take me down here like never before, to kneel under you and do anything you want...but no, you're just not worthy of him, are you? IS THAT SO?
SELF CONTROL AND OBEDIENCE...I know, if I don't do it now, it'll catch up me at night, I won't sleep, or I will, but all I'll dream about is us fucking... Yeah, I WANT IT.

background music : Desire - Under Your Spell

You're asleep, I watch you from the corner of the room.. approach the bed silently, your keen senses know I'm there. You continue to lie motionless, we stare wordlessly at each other, I slowly pull back the blanket and see, that you're sleeping only in hakama. Like a demonic succubus, kneel down to your head and squat on your chest, literally levitating.... It's dark, but you can still see that I'm completely naked. Slowly but surely our breathing is synchronizing...
I can smell the scent of my aroused cunt and at the same time your hot accelerated breath on it. Move forward even more and I'm completely open to your face, you're doing it to me with your tongue, I'm gripping the headboard with clenched fingers and my thigh muscles are vibrating with exertion as I don't want to touch you any more than I have to.
In a flash, I turn around, kneeling in front of you, my crotch somewhere at the level of your neck...make me...make me...like this from behind...
Fuck, I wake up to a wild orgasm, so this...this shit was a massacre...it's three in the morning...I'm going to take another shower...I'm, like, soaking wet and sweaty.

- Tomorrow -
background music : Alex Clare - Too Close (OFFICIAL VIDEO)

I'm completely dead, this dream has been haunting me all night and just today, as we're putting together the final fight, holy shit. Anyway, I go down to the basement to the gym, you're already there, but something's weird, something's different... you don't smile at me, you barely say good morning... um okay, so I really fucked up last night...
„Yeah, please, they're coming at 9:00 to do the podcast."
„Don't care, when we're done, you can do the podcast or something"
One-two-turn through the giant window I see movement outside the gate... they're coming...
I'm cover the blow of shinai hits on my back, in a spin I'm going to swing it in my right hand and hit you in the stomach

„Yamete !!!" you yell and we both kneel on the ground collapsed…
You are the first to get up and walk away, throwing the shinai with all your strength against the mirrored wall, which shatters into hundreds of shards…

We're sitting on the sofa and Volana's across from me, you just walking into the room, gorgeous, proud, elegant as a panther in black hakama so damn low, that I can almost see... nah...I shake my head to dismiss these thoughts. Sure, you just got out of the shower, wet hair, towel barely on your neck and damp shiny skin...how the fuck can someone be so PERFECT. Three steps and you'll be at seat level. So I'm really enjoying this, Volana's jaw just dropped, the makeup artist and sound guy do the same, both looking at each other, at you, at me. ... I'm enjoying it, I can see peripherally that you're taking something in the fridge and crushing ice… It's almost hypnotic whan you're drinking, swallow with your head tilted backwards and total ignorance... My heart is pounding and the pain in my broken arm is beating with every beat, it wakes me up easily. Volana runs her eyes...I can see what she's thinking, the girl almost swallows her mouth empty, now noticing my smirk and roll of the eyes. Tsss jeez, keep the decorum woman.
„Don't get distracted, we can continue," I tell her to get the fuck over herself.
You took the towel off your neck and put the crushed ice in it, only now our eyes meet, you come to me and take my wrist in your hand, gently, carefully, as if you were putting together a broken porcelain doll, we look at each other in silence and it's all there, the pain-desire-anger... and it hurts me more than my fucking hand... My eyes go dark for a moment, when I open them you're gone in the hallway and I hear a muffled "BAKAYARO"....
Fuck, this is really fucking stupid, really fucking stupid…

- Highway -

background music : XXXTENTACION - SAD! (OPEN VERSE)

We're driving on the highway
It's raining and snowing together....
I look at myself in the rearview mirror,
drops of rain and snow
poured into endless streams and rivers
Wipers rhythmically oscillating on the wet window...
I can feel it on my tongue
How the day tastes
like cigarette ashes
and wet cold shards
of broken

whitish knuckles gripping the steering wheel
I'm leaving tonight
night flight...

--------- okey ------------------------

I don't really need you...
12 weeks
okey ------------------------- I get it
I'll rehearse with someone else

every word is...
every sentence is...
like the crack of a whip
deep down i like it

* I'm enjoying it *

note to readers :
I've been playing with this fantasy/dream for almost 5 years, even though I try to change the environment, it works best as it is
dreaming in a dream? yes it is possible, it is not usual, it cannot be learned and summoned, it just comes and if the dreamer is lucky, he remembers it

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