
Couple woman & man
Couple woman & woman
Purpose of search:

User albums (1)

Stories (2)

Anal + Massage = Orgasm

1 year ago 1 860 3

Was meeting this young 19 years old for a while now... she invited me over one day. But kinky fact ?! we were not going to be along in the flat So she gave me my homework. To do her, but we had to…

French ReUnion island and Tinder

1 year ago 0 486 1

It was the first week of my visit to this wonderland. First time in Africa and i did what a solo traveler would do. While I was on trademill walking,i tried my luck on Tinder fortune wheel 😊 that was…

Blogs (5)

Amateri girls or Prague flats

1 year ago 9 528 2

After spending some time here , i have a feeling like is like a night club for ladies. No matter if a lady is 3 out of 10, or 9 every guy almost is after that 3 or 9... what kind of…

Serbian sex doll

1 year ago 2 881 3

I didn't know what it was about her...blonde hair, red burning lips or all half wripped jeans and shirts she used to wear. All I know entire hotel personnel in Antalya would stop and stare... even…

Women or men are better flirt?

1 year ago 3 800 1

Due my job in tourism and service industry I get to deal with a lot customers. To observe how they talk, how they work, succeed, fall in love, dislike, be nice or get mad 😡 But I have one little…

Personal information

Language skills: English, Čeština, Русский, Türkçe
Zodiac sign: Virgo
Sexual orientation: hetero
Eye colour: black
Hair colour: black
Height: 161 cm
Weight: 64 kg
Penis size: Around 16 cm
Pubic hair grooming: Shaved
Erogenous zones: Genitals
Favourite sex places: Car, Nature, Public
Favourite sex positions: Cowgirl, Doggy, Legs on shoulders

Dating Ads (1)

Milenka (Honey Bunny)

Man seeking woman
Czech Republic
Couples women & men
Couples women & women
Without trans
Age 18–45

Hledám milenku, se kterou si budeme rozumět a užívat si společně čas😇 Je mi 36, ale vypadám mladší – takže věk moc neřeším. Jsem finančně nezávislý, a o tebe se rád postarám – ať už jde o výlet, sport, kino nebo večeři. Nejde mi jen o sex, ale o pohodu a zábavu, kterou si spolu můžeme užít.

Časově to mám sice náročné, ale na to důležité si vždy najdu prostor. O víkendech objíždím zápasy s fotbalem – jestli máš ráda fotbal, nebo tomu rozumíš, máš u mě obrovské plus.❤️⚽️

V profilu mám fotky, takže můžeš rovnou kouknout, s kým máš tu čest. A pokud jsi dál od Prahy, žádný problém – vlastním auto ☺️

Tak co, domluvíme se? 😎

Sex hobbies and interests

anal sex
oral sex
sex in public

Personal description

Sorry boys , díky za nabídky a poptávky, ale nejsem Gay ani Bi.

IT boy, sportovec…

Nejsem perfektní ale 😎 slušnej