Group - Erotic stories

Original erotic short stories on a topic Group you won't find anywhere else. Read descriptions of incredible real-life experiences or be inspired by the wildest fantasies. New content is added to the category Group every day.

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A special after-party threesome

author: normal_horny 2 months ago 0 109 2

Since I've never posted here before, I feel I should introduce myself. I'm pretty masculine, well dressed, definitely not bad looking, but overall I come across as pretty normal. So you probably wouldn't guess it if you saw me walking down the street, but I actually live a very unconventional life. Don't get me wrong - I'm successful by most conventional measures - but I'm also someone who just…

Susret s parom

author: ZgCity 4 months ago 2 230 5

Pozdrav svima, Želim podjeliti svoje iskustvo s parom. Nakon dugog i uzaludnog vremena počeo sam se dopisivati s jednim parom ovdje na stranici. Dopisivali smo se jako dugo (par mjeseci). Doslovno smo pričali o svemu i svakom detalju. Nisam bio siguran da ćemo se ikad naći, ali bilo mi je baš drago se čuti s njima. Jedan dan mi dolazi poruka od muža i pita me jesi li možda za kavu? Ja sam…