
Couple woman & man
Purpose of search:

Personal information

Age: 56 years 37 years
Sexual orientation: hetero hetero
Marital status: married married
Eye colour: brown blue
Hair colour: brown blond
Height: 185 cm 160 cm
Weight: 80 kg 60 kg

Sex hobbies and interests

oral sex

Personal description

We're a happily married and highly sexed couple. We like to capture our sex and we do not know what to do with these tons of videos and photos :-) Therefore, it is best to give you the opportunity to enjoy them as we have our sex. Only our own content from the family video archive. Sure, we would be happy to exchange photos with couples who likes beautiful sex but no fakes please.
WARNING: You cannot download and use our content for any purpose without our permission. Do not repost our content! Any breach of this will be seen as a violation of our rights and we will use all available opportunities to protect them. Requests from men and couples/female without posts will be ignored with a high probability. Unfortunately, not looking to meet up with anyone at this time. Thanks for undestanding.