
Couple woman & man
Couple woman & woman
Purpose of search:

User albums (1)

Personal information

Age: 56 years 42 years
Sexual orientation: hetero bi
Marital status: married married
Eye colour: green blue
Hair colour: blond blond
Height: 177 cm 170 cm
Weight: 110 kg 55 kg

Sex hobbies and interests

group sex

Personal description

We like: wine, music, movies, travels ... Sunbathe naked, ride a bike ... riding position, other positions, immoral propositions, Istria Peninsula... Orgasms!

We don't like: idiots, illiterates and those who always know how to direct the movement of everything. We are thinking that disco polo is disgusting.

We are happy to meet sane in mind people, close to us in age and experiences. We are looking for a couple with a bisexual lady or a single lady open to both of us, shaved or better permanently depilated! In the case of the male important is erection and depilation, and if they are bisexual then even better, Mario will not push any lips away from his cock. We are not interested in single men.