Stories (8)

***With you in my head*** (soutěžní)

author: holkazr yesterday 0 286 4

***With you in my head*** tribute to Asa Germann (my beautiful, beautiful boy) doporučení : pro lepší zážitek si nejdřív přečti "PS" na konci povídky -prolog- To, že ve svém těle nejsem sama, jsem nějak vnímala už od chvíle, kdy jsem si uvědomila, že já jsem já. Že ten vnitřní hlas není kárajícím hlasem mojí matky, že to není…

The Emptiness

author: holkazr 3 months ago 4 106 2

*this is poem call The Emptiness, but don't be scared, it's nice poem, about losing your mind* background music : LiL PEEP - i crash, u crash (ft. Lil Tracy) [prod. Jayyeah] <booting…> <booting…….> <booting………..> <LUV? whats wrong LUV, tell me> feelin’ nothing again not physically just emotionally strange strange u are nothing jene snowbunny it's not full bodymind emptiness not at all i'm just…

a girl stepping on her hair

author: holkazr 6 months ago 5 459 7

- you are sick same as me - this is not my dream ….its yours * momentum of what I see… what i feel, what i taste what i want… from you * background music : pigeon bathing in a puddle Sharp wind ripping petals off the cherry blossom trees The noise of the train station and the smell of wet…

Valentine nuts (soutěžní)

author: holkazr 7 months ago 8 712 11

pozn. autora : Psáno v hodině mezi psem a vlkem, kdy myšlenky a fantazie jedou na plné obrátky. Tato povídka je fantazií kopulující s prvky reality. Proto i některé sekvence se mohou zdát nedokončené, neúplné, roztříštěné. A tak ctěnému čtenáři oznamuji slovy klasika: '...Vidím jen výjevy. Vždycky jsem viděl jen výjevy' :D …

You are Thief and I'm Forsaken

author: holkazr 10 months ago 3 591 9

dedicated to : the One who never-never-never-never-never gives me anything for free and that's why I want Him so desperately (poor poor girl :D) bathroom …


author: holkazr 10 months ago 2 476 5

- UNDER YOUR SPELL - (tribute to Rain aka Raizo Ninja Assasin) Prologue : We are stuntmen, dancers, fight scene choreographers. The director has chosen us to make a choreography of fight scene for famous sci-fi saga, where two antagonistic characters fight each other, dark side and light side... man and woman, girl and boy... yin and yang... We didn't know each other personally until then,…


author: holkazr 11 months ago 3 546 7

Prologue: I had this vivid dream one feverish night, I'm out of surgery and heavily medicated, everything was so real and fascinating scary (and ofc i love it as hell :D). And because I suffer from synesthesia in addition to cravings-sounds-music-images all linked together in one.... !!!! withdrawal !!!! …

- Past tense -

author: holkazr 11 months ago 8 645 7

- PROLOG - As a prologue, let's sigh that unfortunately it's impossible to publish with the "comments off" function, I would love to write my own blogs in a diary form, but the last thing I want is for users to vomit their thought processes underneath... it's like "he got a pub, but he had people coming in" :D ... So unfortunately blogs are forbidden to me and short stories in general have a lot…