Serbian sex doll

11.12.2023 16:43 · 881 views E_Lio

I didn't know what it was about her...blonde hair, red burning lips or all half wripped jeans and shirts she used to wear. All I know entire hotel personnel in Antalya would stop and stare... even in my team, we had a bet who is gonna take her for a date...
About a regular event we referred as : white party,i met her on the beach. I was going back to party, she was going back to her room. I stopped her, asked her number. She got fancy ass smart phone from germany, me cheap as Nokia with buttons. Instead, i got her Facebook (which surprisingly worked on my phone) I came back with "good news" but my friends denied it and said i was lying. I got ambitious...had to prove a point

So i pulled my best trick. Invited her to a common lunch, showed her my job at hotel,got her to like me. Even invited her to watch a football game. Well, she was night when i invited her over, I was double motivated. One for how beautiful she was , the next for being the guy who is gonna sleep with "hotel queen."
The first date night she was on period, so it was just pleasure moments for each other. But her smell, her body hmm ...she got lots of jewelry, and one piece got stuck on the bedside. And it was my trophy for morning meeting with guys. I won the battle but still didn't know how and what made her choose me. I am talking about a hotel with 2000 people and a few hundred employees