
Couple woman & man
Couple woman & woman
Purpose of search:

Personal information

Language skills: Slovenčina
Sexual orientation: hetero bi
Marital status: married
Eye colour: brown green
Hair colour: black
Height: 185 cm 158 cm
Weight: 83 kg 48 kg
Breast size: Oranges
Pubic hair grooming: Trimmed
Erogenous zones: Neck, Thighs, Genitals
Favourite sex places: Public

Sex hobbies and interests

sex in public
group sex

Personal description

Ak nemaš galériu tak nás ani nekontaktuj ahojte amateri....nikoho nehľadáme a to z toho dôvodu, že sami mame malo seba...tak zdar sexu *58* iba ak by sa našiel pekný par 40+ s ľuďmi bez galérie nekomunikujeme a mužov nehľadáme už vôbec...